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VESTIL Pneumatic Drum Crusher/Trash Compactor

Friday, June 15, 2012

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

If you run a pc operating system, you will need to know how to fix a computer crash. And trust me, not that I have whatever against pc's, because it what I use, but over 95% of the world uses it. And inevitably, you will crash your computer. So, we need to know how to fix it.

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

How To Fix A Computer Crash

You should be fully aware that your computer will crash. This means when you are working on it, you should always ensure you are rescue your work as you go. If you don't actually plan on rescue the work, just temporarily, then it actually does not matter what you call the file. Just don't forget the name. This ensures you will still have your work if your computer crashes.

Then it happens: self-acting restart, blue screen, of just locks up. All of these are problems with a computer crash. And luckily, you were rescue your data all along, so you still have it. But how do we fix the crashed computer?

First, try to reboot. If it reboots fine, then you have a problem in your registry somewhere. Registry files tell the computer what to do, and if these are conflicting, or corrupt, then the computer does not know what to do. It panics, and crashes. You need to get these files fixed. Find a registry software fix and scan your computer. It will tell you if you have any errors. If you do, let the software fix them. Once fixed, your computer is good to go. I would also propose running this software weekly, as a computer maintenance item.

If you can not reboot, reboot in safe mode. This will allow the computer to start up without all of the bells and whistles. Then you can find a registry cleaner and fix the problems.

Basically, I believe most computer crashes occur due to a problem in the computer's registry files. This is the first place I look, and run my software to fix them. And holding the registry files fixed will help forestall you from asking how to fix a computer crash.

How To Fix A Computer Crash

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